About me
I believe there is no single rule for success. As long as you're determined and consistently improving you can take what you have and turn it into whatever you can imagine. I encourage everyone to be as Great as they can, and think longterm to create opportunities that will evolve with them over time. WhoNeedSkool is an evolving entertainment company based on trying and learning new things.
Productivity x Creativity = Success (attainment of wealth, power, and honors)
#DoThings is the motto....
Life is a great teacher, but everyone deserves a formal education.
All images and video Apr 17th+ are original product of G.Hagar for any questions for available dates for shoots or creative consulting contact whoneedzskool@gmail.com
Please Contact for additional services including:
In Studio Performance Videos
Daily Vlogs
Behind The Scene Footage
Concert/ Performance Recordings
Photo shoots
Cover Art
To take the first step in making your music video come to life, contact whoneedzskool@gmail.com or call (301) 325-0227 for a consultation.